22,140 research outputs found

    The Doha Round’s Public Health Legacy: Strategies for the Production and Diffusion of Patented Medicines Under the Amended TRIPS Provisions

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    This entry into force of the World Trade Organization (WTO) TRIPS Agreement in 1995 transformed the international intellectual property system. The harmonization of basic intellectual property standards has operated to protect investment in innovation, limiting risks from unjustified \u27free riding.\u27 Yet these same harmonized IP standards sharply curtailed the traditional capacity of suppliers of public goods, such as health care and nutrition, to address the priority needs of less affluent members of society, particularly in (but not limited to) developing countries. In the Doha Declaration, the Waiver Decision of 30 August 2003 and the Article 31bis Protocol of Amendment, stakeholders concerned with re-opening policy space for the supply of newer pharmaceutical products pushed back against the restrictive elements of the TRIPS Agreement. Governments around the world are in the process of deciding whether to ratify and accept the Article 31bis Amendment. Based on their Study for the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament, the authors argue that acceptance of the Amendment will provide a \u27net benefit\u27 for countries seeking to improve access to medicines. At the insistence of WTO delegations acting on behalf of the originator pharmaceutical industry lobby, Article 31bis regrettably is saddled with unnecessary administrative hurdles. Nonetheless, through skillful lawyering, political determination and coordinated planning, the system can be made to work. Among other options, expeditious back-to-back compulsory licensing linked with pooled procurement strategies may effectively achieve economies of scale in production and distribution of medicines. The authors doubt that the international political environment would support renegotiation of an \u27improved\u27 solution. They express concern that failure to bring the Amendment into force will open the door to a campaign to undermine the Waiver Decision. Recent events in Brazil and Thailand illustrate both the opportunities and risks associated with implementing TRIPS exception mechanisms, and help to inform views on the negotiating environment. Specific proposals for regional cooperation in implementing the Amendment are laid out, and the authors emphasize the importance of pursuing concrete transfer of technology measures in support of developing country pharmaceutical manufacturing. Over-reliance on private market mechanisms for the supply of public health goods leaves the international community with an unresolved collective action problem on a large scale

    Attachment methods for advanced spacecraft thermal control materials - An annotated bibliography, phase 1 Summary report supplement

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    Annotated bibliography on attachment methods for advanced spacecraft thermal control material

    AlGaAs-GaAs cascade solar cell

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    Computer modeling studies are reported for a monolithic, two junction, cascade solar cell using the AlGaAs GaAs materials combination. An optimum design was obtained through a serial optimization procedure by which conversion efficiency is maximized for operation at 300 K, AM 0, and unity solar concentration. Under these conditions the upper limit on efficiency was shown to be in excess of 29 percent, provided surface recombination velocity did not exceed 10,000 cm/sec

    A route generator concept for aircraft onboard fault monitoring

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    Because of the increasingly complex environments in which the flight crews of commercial aviation aircraft must operate, a research effort is currently underway at NASA Langley Research Center to investigate the potential benefits of intelligent cockpit aids, and to establish guidelines for the application of artificial intelligence techniques to advanced flight management concepts. The segment of this research area that concentrates on automated fault monitoring and diagnosis requires that a reference frame exist, against which the current state of the aircraft may be compared to determine the existence of a fault. This paper describes a computer program which generates the position of that reference frame that specifies the horizontal flight route

    Comparison of the noise characteristics of two low pressure ratio fans with a high throat Mach number inlet

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    Acoustics data obtained in experiments with two low pressure ratio 50.8 cm (20 in.) diameter model fans differing in design tip speed were compared. Determination of the average throat Mach number used to compare high Mach inlet noise reduction characteristics was based on a correlation of inlet wall static pressure measurements with a flow field calculation. The largest noise reductions were generally obtained with the higher tip speed fan. At a throat Mach number of 0.79, the difference in noise reduction was about 3.5 db with static test conditions. Although the noise reduction increased for the lower tip speed fan with a simulated flight velocity of 41 m/sec (80 knots), it was still about 2 db less than that of the high tip speed fan which was only tested at the static condition. However, variations in acoustic performance could not be absolutely attributed to the different fan designs because of differences in inlet lip contours which resulted in small variations of peak wall Mach number and axial extend of supersonic and near-sonic flow

    Inlets, ducts, and nozzles

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    The internal fluid mechanics research program in inlets, ducts, and nozzles consists of a balanced effort between the development of computational tools (both parabolized Navier-Stokes and full Navier-Stokes) and the conduct of experimental research. The experiments are designed to better understand the fluid flow physics, to develop new or improved flow models, and to provide benchmark quality data sets for validation of the computational methods. The inlet, duct, and nozzle research program is described according to three major classifications of flow phenomena: (1) highly 3-D flow fields; (2) shock-boundary-layer interactions; and (3) shear layer control. Specific examples of current and future elements of the research program are described for each of these phenomenon. In particular, the highly 3-D flow field phenomenon is highlighted by describing the computational and experimental research program in transition ducts having a round-to-rectangular area variation. In the case of shock-boundary-layer interactions, the specific details of research for normal shock-boundary-layer interactions are described. For shear layer control, research in vortex generators and the use of aerodynamic excitation for enhancement of the jet mixing process are described

    Low-speed aerodynamic performance of 50.8-centimeter-diameter noise-suppressing inlets for the Quiet, Clean, Short-haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE)

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    Two basic inlet concepts, a high throat Mach number (0.79) design and a low throat Mach number (0.60) design, were tested with four diffuser acoustical treatment designs that had face sheet porosity ranging from 0 to 24 percent for the high Mach number inlet and 0 to 28 percent for the low Mach number inlet. The tests were conducted in a low speed wind tunnel at free stream velocities of 0, 41, and 62 m/sec and angles of attack to 50 deg. Inlet throat Mach number was varied about the design value. Increasing the inlet diffuser face sheet porosity resulted in an increase in total pressure loss in the boundary layer for both the high and low Mach number inlet designs, however, the overall effect on inlet total pressure recovery of 0.991 at the design throat Mach number, a free stream velocity of 41 m/sec, and an angle of attack of 50 deg; Inlet flow separation at an angle of attack of 50 deg was encountered with only one inlet configuration the high Mach number design with the highest diffuser face sheet porosity (24 percent)

    Simulated flight effects on noise characteristics of a fan inlet with high throat Mach number

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    An anechoic wind tunnel experiment was conducted to determine the effects of simulated flight on the noise characteristics of a high throat Mach number fan inlet. Comparisons were made with the performance of a conventional low throat Mach number inlet with the same 50.8 cm fan noise source. Simulated forward velocity of 41 m/sec reduced perceived noise levels for both inlets, the largest effect being more than 3 db for the high throat Mach number inlet. The high throat Mach number inlet was as much as 7.5 db quieter than the low throat Mach number inlet with tunnel airflow and about 6 db quieter without tunnel airflow. Effects of inlet flow angles up to 30 deg were seemingly irregular and difficult to characterize because of the complex flow fields and generally small noise variations. Some modifications of tones and directivity at blade passage harmonics resulting from inlet flow angle variation were noted

    Inlets, ducts and nozzles

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    The internal fluid mechanics research program in inlets, ducts, and nozzles is described. The program consists of a balanced effort between the development of computational tools and the conduct of experimental research. The experiments are designed to better understand the fluid flow physics, to develop new or improved flow models, and to provide benchmark quality data sets for validation of the computational methods. The inlet, duct, and nozzle research program is described according to three major classifications of flow phenomena: highly three-dimensional flow fields; shock-boundary layer interactions; and shear layer control. Specific examples of current and future elements of the research program are described for each of these phenomena. In particular, the highly three-dimensional flow field phenomena is highlighted by describing the computational and experiemental research program in transition ducts having a round-to-rectangular area variation. In the case of shock-boundary layer interactions, the specific details of research for normal shock-boundary layer interactions are described. For shear layer control research in vortex generators and the use of aerodynamic excitation for enhancement of the jet mixing process are described. Future research in inlets, ducts, and nozzles will include more emphasis on three-dimensional full Navier-Stokes methods and corresponding experiments designed to concentrate on the appropriate three-dimensional fluid flow physics

    Computer Graphics. Volume 2 - an Annotated Bibliography to the NASA-MSFC Digital Computer Graphics Program

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    Annotated bibliography on digital computer graphic
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